10 years with beer:The story

If there was anything specific that drew me to beer (in addition to great flavor), I think it was the story; the story behind the brewery, the beer style, the brewing process. Most bottle labels had enough information to spark a deeper crave for more of the story. Moving on to British beer was of course a natural step and there was an ocean of stories. Why is it called IPA (one of the most mythical beer stories around best told by Pete Brown in his book Hops and Glory)? Hops and GloryBurton up-on Trent impact on beer. How raw material pricing impact beer flavors. The story of different beer style and how they came to be. The story about each brewery, beer and the story of the town the brewery was in. The story of Real Ale. This of course is nothing special for Britain. Every style, every brewery, every beer, every label, every beer name, every town with a brewery and most of all every person working with beer had their own story and that is was fascinated and still fascinates me about beer.


This was in the old days before internet so I had to quench my thirst for information with words printed on paper made in to something called books. There wasn’t that many about beer though. By far the best beer book I have ever read is The New World Guide to Beer by Michal Jackson. This book is a must for every beer lover. I still have it and use it off and on. A little beat after 3 moves and 5600miles/9000 km. Michael Jackson wrote many other interesting books worth reading. Most of them still available.

The story together with the vast variety of flavors and the people was probably what drew me deeper in to the world of beer.